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What is Trauma Informed Care and why do we need it?

What does trauma-informed care look like? When do we need to use trauma informed care?
The very first thing we need to have awareness of is just how common trauma is, and to recognise that almost every person who seeks treatment could have experienced at least one traumatic event in their life. We don’t always need to probe people about these experiences; instead, we need to assume that they may have this history and act accordingly. Trauma Informed Care (TIC) is appropriate for all our clients, regardless whether they disclose a trauma history or not. Care that is trauma informed involves prevention, recognition, and response to trauma-related difficulties. Experts agree that incorporating an awareness of trauma into medical care requires a systems-wide approach.

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mother and child during consultation, counseling, recovery concept, eating disorders in teenagers

Why Is Family Important in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: Is Family Therapy the Answer?

Families usually constitute young people’s closest relationships and support systems. That’s why family therapy is so important in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Working with young people and their families, family therapy sessions support families in overcoming unhelpful behaviours that may reinforce eating disorder symptoms, replacing them with positive systems of relationships that nurture lasting change. 

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