Drug Addiction

More from Drug Addiction

The long-term physical and mental effects of drug abuse

Drugs come in many forms; illegal, prescription and even over the counter medications that, if abused, can lead to a serious dependency. From street drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, fentanyl and methamphetamine to prescribed medications, like Oxycodone and Vicodin and even those bought from a pharmacy, for example, codeine; all alter the chemistry of the brain and create a need, both mentally and physically to continue feeding the addiction.

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Ozempic and Eating Disorders

Many people prescribed with Ozempic eat less food than before and, as a result, have a lower body weight. In the past two years, it’s become a well-known medication that is promoted across social media platforms, including TikTok. This has led to serious concerns about its potential for misuse among people with eating disorders.

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teenage girl sitting alone, concept of depression and health complications due to eating disorders

When Is Inpatient Treatment Necessary for Anorexia Nervosa?

Most people with anorexia nervosa can recover with professional treatment, especially in the earlier stages of the disorder. But some young people require more intensive care than others. In particular, some adolescents and young adults need inpatient or residential treatment to stay safe and have the best chances of recovery.

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