Small, structured steps towards independent living
Secondary Care at Transitions House
The Wave secondary care, gender-specific programs, at Transitions House, provide structured steps towards independent living for young people who have completed at least 12 weeks of primary residential treatment.
Moving on from residential treatment is a wonderful and positive step. It can also be daunting, both for our young people and their families. Returning home, heading back to study, family life, work or taking time out of a planned routine, can be one of the most difficult moves for teenagers and young adults who have attended residential treatment programs to address mental health concerns, eating disorders, mood disorders, addiction or other psychiatric illness.
Mental health professionals often recommend step-down care for young people who have completed a period of at least 12 weeks (although often substantially longer) of primary residential treatment. Primary residential treatment provides a full-time schedule of medical and therapeutic care for young people. A daily structure and supportive 24-hour care are essential for most young people in early recovery. Scheduled family calls, visits and family therapy all help to rebuild connection, trust and support new behaviours.
Designed to meet their unique needs
Secondary Care Programs
Secondary care programs offer small, structured steps towards independent living. Surrounded by the familiarity of The Wave Treatment Team and with the support of their mental health team, our teenagers and young adults can take the next step into their recovery journey.
Young people in Transitions programs are provided with a structured treatment plan that is designed to meet their unique needs. This can include weekly attendance, goal setting, one-to-one sessions, food and body groups, meal support, cooking classes, budgeting, shopping assistance and personal tutors. Our young people enjoy the feeling of achievement as they are able to move through the treatment pathway, gaining stability and knowledge along the way.
Our community spirit is one of the reasons that The Wave Programs are so successful
A Bridge to Living Well
Every young person has a timetable of activities, meal planning, menu arranging and sessions. They meet with their therapist, nutritionist, dietician, psychiatrist and personal recovery coach at appointed times to continue the great work that they started in our primary treatment programs.
Our young people are all members of The Wave Trust. Our programs require that teenagers and young adults commit to active service in the community for a minimum of one day per week. Current projects include volunteer teaching assistant roles, language teaching, English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching, pet grooming at rescue centres, orphan care, and food and provision distribution for local charity ‘Baskets of Hope’.
Mindful movement, personal fitness goals and body positivity are also central to our programs, both in and in Transitions. Our team of yoga teachers, mindfulness and experiential mentors, personal trainers, Muay Thai (Thai boxing) coaches, choreographers, dancers and hula hoop experts encourage connection through participation. Our community spirit is one of the reasons that The Wave Programs are so successful in the long-term treatment of young people.
a commitment to wellness and independence
Meal Support in Eating Disorder Recovery
Transitions House provides flexibility for the young people completing our Primary Eating Disorder Programs so that they can progress in step-down nutritional care. We provide gentle guidance in meal planning, shopping, food preparation and cooking, as well as mealtime support.
On transfer, our teenagers and young adults continue to return to the main house for all meals and snacks. As confidence is gained and progress maintained, they can begin to transfer some mealtimes and snacks to their Transitions kitchen and dining room. We encourage a commitment to wellness and independence within a safe, connected community.
Equipped for increasing independence
The House & Grounds
Sitting on a terrace in the late winter sunshine, the planning stages of creating a mental health ‘plus’ program for teenagers, young adults and families were coming together. It was set to move from a dream to the concept stage.
We began to pool our ideas, hopes, dreams and experience. We became incredibly excited at the prospect of creating something ‘out of the box’, quirky and, most importantly, trauma-focused and evidence-based.
Our vision was to create the most dynamic, forward-thinking treatment programs for young people in the world. We wanted our families to feel supported, cared for and to be able to find solutions for a wide range of mental health and behavioural concerns.
We wanted to create Asia’s first adolescent Eating Disorder Specialist Centre, that would not only provide a launch pad for eating disorder care in Asia but would also provide the first international destination treatment for young people and their families.
We wanted to be able to bring families back together and help young people find a space in the world.
We wanted to create something fun and vibrant, to keep our sense of adventure and help others to find that too. Most of all, we wanted our families to feel loved supported and to know that they were no longer alone with their fears.
Teenagers and young adults need the safety, security and privacy
Gender-Specific Care
Transitions House provides gender-specific programs and housing for our young people. Whilst we firmly believe that treatment is best in mixed groups, where all are welcome, we also understand that teenagers and young adults need the safety, security and privacy of gender-specific housing.
Each of the houses is managed by a Recovery Coach of the same gender, and our ‘on-call’ team accommodation is close by, providing additional support when needed.
Our community spirit is one of the reasons that The Wave Programs are so successful
Senior members of the Transitions community, with 18 months in sustained recovery, may join The Wave Volunteer Program. Our young people are superb at giving back. There is no better way to see how far you have progressed that to help mentor other young people at the beginning of their journey.
Our volunteers put all the skills they have learned to really great use, assisting in the organic garden, cooking, baking or helping new arrivals to settle in through The Wave Buddy Program. There is so much to get involved in and a whole life to build.
A love of Learning
Vocational & Academic Education
Transitions House provides flexibility for the young people completing our Primary Eating Disorder Programs so that they can progress in step-down nutritional care. We provide gentle guidance in meal planning, shopping, food preparation and cooking, as well as mealtime support.
On transfer, our teenagers and young adults continue to return to the main house for all meals and snacks. As confidence is gained and progress maintained, they can begin to transfer some mealtimes and snacks to their Transitions kitchen and dining room. We encourage a commitment to wellness and independence within a safe, connected community.
Joining The Wave family
Program Application, Entry & Fees
Transitions House is part of The Wave Family. It is the lower level of care and is suitable for young people who are clinically and medically stable. Young people transferring to Transitions House must be considered to be a ‘low risk’. Transfer is always discussed with families and based upon clinical recommendation.
Application for places in Transitions House Programs should be made through our Admissions Team for those transferring from other treatment facilities or hospitals. Young people in The Wave Programs should discuss transfer with their Primary Therapist.
Treatment fees (including all program activities) are US$ 13,000 per month (minimum 3-month stay). There may be some additional expenses, including personal items, medication, and medical appointments if required. We accept direct payment from most major insurers.

It opens my eyes and gives me a new knowledge and experience to be a better person.

Professional associations and memberships

We are here to help
Have any questions or want to get started with the admissions process? Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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