Compassionate ADHD Treatment in Malaysia
ADHD is complex – you might find it difficult to fully understand if you’re not dealing with it yourself. Sometimes young people living with this condition will feel like they just can’t concentrate, no matter how hard they try. They may also be more impulsive than most and find it difficult to concentrate on one task. This is never easy, and often young people are labelled as troublesome or difficult, when really they need tender compassion and help.
At The Wave, we offer our young people a range of treatments designed to relieve symptoms and make living with ADHD more manageable and help our young people flourish. Backed by scientific research and developed with leading physiatrists and medical professionals, each treatment plan is fully personalised and adapted to suit each person’s needs.
Classed as a mental health condition, ADHD isn’t dangerous or life-threatening – it can just sometimes make everyday tasks a little more difficult to complete. Though there’s no one cure for the disorder, symptoms can be managed with the right medication and effective therapy.
We are here to help
The Wave ADHD Admissions Team can be contacted on:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Wave Clinic: Specialists in ADHD Treatment
+60 327 271 799 (General Enquiries)
+60 125 227 734 (Admissions)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Wave International Group LLC
+971 438 354 01
What Is It and How Does It Work?
Treatment for ADHD
We offer a range of holistic and medical treatments to help manage symptoms of ADHD and make the condition easier to live with. However, what works best for one person might differ for another, which is why we customise all plans to best support our young people’s individual needs.
We combine clinical and medical treatment with holistic therapies to give young people in our care the chance to grow, develop, and learn new skills for their future. With the right treatment and effective support, we truly believe that anyone can achieve anything they set their mind to.
Laying the groundwork for a bright life after recovery
The Seven Core Elements of Treatment
At The Wave, our treatment programs are built on seven elements, each designed to nurture young people in all areas of their personal development. Just because ADHD isn’t curable, doesn’t mean it has to affect a young person’s growth and future plans.
Each of the seven elements will help young people rebuild their confidence and independence, equipping them with the tools and skills needed to live a full life with ADHD and navigate challenges healthily.
ADHD can make everyday activities feel difficult and challenging. Sometimes a young person won’t be able to concentrate, and other times they’ll feel flustered and like they can’t focus on one single task. This can have a knock-on effect on their confidence and the way they act, often resulting in impulsive behavior that comes across as ‘troublesome.’ At The Wave, we know how challenging it can be for people to break out of these knee-jerk reactions, and that’s why our clinical approach aims to help young people with ADHD develop positive behaviors.
Working closely with a team of psychotherapists, they’ll learn how to develop healthy coping mechanisms in response to stressful situations. They’ll also delve deep into their own condition and better understand what it is that triggers them.
Some of our clinical treatment options include:
- Family therapy
- One-to-one therapy
- Expressive arts therapy
- Somatic therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical-behavioral therapy (DBT)
- Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR)
- Group therapy
Alongside medication, our clinical approach can help young people manage their symptoms with ease and have more confidence when faced with new tasks and social situations.
At The Wave, we understand that every young person is unique and that no two cases of ADHD will be the same. Some might find concentrating on tasks difficult while others will struggle with being able to sit still or relax their movements. That’s why we always work with our young people to create a fully personalized treatment plan that suits their needs. After a thorough medical examination, our compassionate care team will figure out which medications are right for them and develop a management plan.
Some of the medications used in the treatment of ADHD include:
- Stimulants (medication that helps people with ADHD focus on tasks and ignore distractions)
- Non-stimulants (medication that’s used if stimulants aren’t working properly or producing negative side effects)
- Antidepressants (in some cases, antidepressants will be prescribed if the young person is also suffering from a co-occurring disorder like depression, anxiety, or bipolar).
How long and how much medication is taken will come down to each individual, and if any changes or side-effects occur we’ll always try to find a way to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and find a better-suited medication.
We firmly believe that no young person should be left behind, and that’s why one of our seven elements is education. ADHD often has a direct impact on a young person’s ability to concentrate and fully flourish at school, but once they get effective treatment there’s no reason why they can’t work towards a bright future.
Every young person has so much ahead of them, and we’re here to help them see their potential and realise their dreams. Alongside therapy and medical treatment, we provide a range of educational opportunities designed to bolster a young person’s confidence and skills for life outside of our clinic. Whatever their dream is, we’re here to help arm them with the tools needed to achieve it.
Some of the educational pathways we offer include:
- International GAP-year experiences
- Continuation of GCSEs and A-Levels
- Vocational courses (London School of Art, Royal Horticultural Society, Leith’s School of Cookery, and The British Horse Society)
Each young person will have their own personal learning plan (PLP) to help them stick to their goals and set the foundations for a solid future.
Recovery happens through people taking affirmative action – we believe in the true lived and learned experience. It’s one of the reasons we’ve developed a global citizenship programme that gives our young people the chance to help out in the local community and become more aware of the world around them.
ADHD can often make it difficult for young people to look outside of themselves. They’re so used to being on the receiving end of extra care and attention, so turning the tables will give them a chance to develop valuable skills like teamwork and the importance of helping others.
Volunteering opportunities will also give young people a chance to reconnect with something they care about. If they feel strongly for a particular cause, our programme will help them nurture that care into something meaningful and positive. Having something that they deeply care about can help re-develop that sense of purpose and give them something to keep busy with once they leave the clinic.
Getting into the routine of caring for their bodies, health, and wellbeing can help young people with ADHD better manage and control their symptoms in the long run. If they’re faced with stressful or new situations, they can use what they’ve learned from our clinic to help ground them and keep them focused on what’s important.
We believe it’s just as important to develop inner resources and tools that can be used to lay a solid foundation for lasting wellness and success. With our outside-inside approach, young people have the opportunity to grow and develop a bank of skills that can be used in their future. All these strategies can be used in times of stress, helping them develop healthy behaviors.
We combine a range of creative and holistic treatments into each of our young person’s treatment plans, including:
- Education on the food and body groups
- Mindful movement
- Tension, stress, and trauma release (TRE)
- Reiki
- Eating disorder informed yoga
- Education on nourishment and healthy eating
- Journalling and reflective writing
- Team sports and group challenges
ADHD can often impact relationships and the way a young person approaches life. They might lack the confidence to try new things or give an activity their all. That’s why our ‘experiences’ element is designed to help bolster their confidence to try new things and give them a chance to develop team-building skills.
Cultivating a strong team spirit, sense of accomplishment, and fun into our treatment programmes is what sets our approach apart from others. We don’t just focus on medical and clinical treatment – we’re also keen to get our young people involved in fun challenges and experiences that will empower them and help them learn new life skills.
That’s why one of our seven core elements is experiences. All young people have the chance to take part in a range of experiences and exciting adventures, including:
- Dance and drama productions
- Fashion design
- Batik painting
- Pottery
- Horse riding
- Jungle adventures
- Orienteering
- Rock climbing
Just because ADHD is a lifelong condition, doesn’t mean it has to negatively impact a young person’s life. At The Wave, we believe there’s no reason why young people shouldn’t chase after their dreams. They’ve got so much ahead of them, and we’re keen to help them realise their hopes and ambitions, giving them the tools and resources to set the cogs into motion.
Our dedicated care team works with each young person to develop an ongoing plan that will help ease them back into everyday life and transition healthily. We know that leaving behind the security and familiarity of treatment can be a little daunting, but we’re here to help each young person develop a set of goals and plans to work towards their future with confidence.
ADHD Treatment Options
Learning to Live with ADHD
ADHD isn’t a condition with a definite cure, but it’s possible to address many of the disruptive symptoms through treatment and live a happy and productive life. Some of the treatment options we offer are:
Cookery School
Our cookery school encourages young people with ADHD to develop the skills needed to cook and look after themselves when the time comes for them to move away from home. Typically, our cookery school sees young people alternate between working in groups and solo, learning recipes, and making some much-loved classics like lasagna, victoria sponge, and spaghetti bolognese.
It’s a great way to let off steam and a chance for them to zone in on one thing and try as hard as they can to focus. Once again, it’s less about the end result and more about the journey – it’s about building up that mental resilience and confidence to tackle challenges head-on.
Family Therapy
It can sometimes be difficult for loved ones to truly understand ADHD and why it causes young people to act in certain ways. At The Wave, we appreciate this and, in turn, offer family therapy.
These sessions prompt everyone to speak up, share their thoughts and concerns, let go of worries, and understand the condition. Family therapy also provides an opportunity for family members to become aware of any triggers that affect the young person struggling with ADHD and uncover what they can do to change the environment at home or school to make things easier.
Group Therapy
Whilst clinical and medical treatment is important, cultivating a solid support network will help young people form great relationships with those in a similar boat to themselves.
For this reason, we always encourage our young people to participate in group therapy sessions and develop a sense of team-spirit in all the activities and team-building challenges we have planned for them.
We know it can be a little scary for people to open up at first, but our group therapy sessions are judgement-free zones. Young people will be surrounded by others who understand how they feel and what they’ve gone through – because they’ve gone through it themselves.
Many young people with ADHD are later diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. One in three adults with ADHD may also live with BPD – and having an ADHD diagnosis could make the chance of developing the personality disorder almost 20 times as likely. Research shows that ADHD and BPD share genetic and environmental risk factors, as well as neuropsychological features.
At the same time, ADHD and BPD share many common symptoms that often lead to misdiagnosis. The broader effects of ADHD, such as dysphoric states of boredom and a need for stimulation, can resemble BPD traits – as can shared core features like impulsive behaviours. Distinguishing between the two conditions often requires an in-depth assessment by a clinician that explores the reasons that a young person is behaving or feeling a certain way.
For young people living with co-occurring BPD and ADHD, coping with daily life can be especially difficult. Symptoms of the two conditions can reinforce and exacerbate each other, increasing certain traits like impulsivity. Traits of inattentiveness and hyperactivity that are associated with ADHD can also make it more difficult for young people to learn and practice the skills they need to manage the difficult symptoms of both disorders.
In these cases, addressing both disorders simultaneously is an important part of effective treatment. Supporting young people to manage symptoms like inattentiveness helps them to engage and benefit from therapy, improving their recovery from both conditions.
At The Wave, we expertly address the multiple needs of every young person, combining exceptional diagnosis with individualised and diverse treatment plans. We work to understand the complex and intricate interplay of ADHD, BPD, trauma, and/or other experiences in each individual so that we can offer the best possible care.
Frequently asked questions
Though the cause of ADHD isn’t fully known, it’s thought to happen due to many different factors. In all cases, brain development and structural changes have been identified in individuals with ADHD. These studies indicate that ADHD may be caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain, though it can also be inherited.
Risk groups for ADHD include:
- Those who were born prematurely
- Those with brain damage
There is no cure for ADHD, but it can be managed with an appropriate treatment programme. At The Wave, we combine a range of medical, clinical, and holistic therapies with medication (if required) to help make the condition more manageable.
ADHD doesn’t have to hold young people back, though. They’ll learn to control their condition and be equipped with the tools and skills needed to set a solid foundation for their life during their time with us.
It opens my eyes and gives me a new knowledge and experience to be a better person.
Professional associations and memberships
We are here to help
Have any questions or want to get started with the admissions process? Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Almas Tower, JLT