Our favourite books and recommended
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Please find a selection of our favourite books and recommended reading for parents, teens and mental health professionals.
Recommended Reading
Eating Disorders

Robyn Goldberg (2020)
The Eating Disorder Trap: A Guide for Clinicians and Loved Ones
The Eating Disorder Trap combines the latest research as well as the knowledge Goldberg has gathered working in nutrition for over two decades. The book takes readers into the mind of individuals who battle with eating disorders every day and details the telltale signs of each disorder. She breaks myths about the nutritional, psychological, and medical components of eating disorders by translating complicated topics in a user-friendly manner. The book also answers several questions that clinicians and families of patients might ask to better understand eating disorders and the process toward recovery. She also wrote the book for those suffering with an eating disorder to help them to develop a deeper insight into their disease.

Lauren Muhlheim (2018)
When Your Teen Has an Eating Disorder: Practical Strategies to Help Your Teen Recover from Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating
If your teen has an eating disorder – such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating – you may feel helpless, worried, or uncertain about how you can best support them.
When Your Teen Has an Eating Disorder will empower you to help your teen using a unique, family-based treatment (FBT) approach. With this guide, you’ll learn to respectfully and lovingly oversee your teen’s nutritional rehabilitation, which includes helping to normalise eating behaviors, managing meals, expanding food flexibility, teaching independent and intuitive eating habits, and using coping strategies and recovery skills to prevent relapse.
In addition to helping parents and caregivers, this book is a wonderful resource for mental health professionals, teachers, counselors, and coaches who work with parents of and teens with eating disorders. It clearly outlines the principles of FBT and the process of involving parents collaboratively in treatment.

Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch (2020)
Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach
When it was first published, Intuitive Eating was revolutionary in its anti-dieting approach. The authors, both prominent health professionals in the field of nutrition and eating disorders, urge readers to embrace the goal of developing body positivity and reconnecting with one’s internal wisdom about eating – to unlearn everything they were taught about calorie-counting and other aspects of diet culture and to learn about the harm of weight stigma. Today, their message is more relevant and pressing than ever. With this updated edition of the classic bestseller, the authors teach readers how to:
– Follow the ten principles of Intuitive Eating to achieve a new and trusting relationship with food
– Fight against diet culture and reject diet mentality forever
– Find satisfaction in their food choices
– Exercise kindness toward their feelings, their bodies, and themselves
– Prevent or heal the wounds of an eating disorder
– Respect their bodies and make peace with food―at any age, weight, or stage of development
– Follow body positive feeds for inspiration and validation.

Rachel Bryant-Waugh (2019)
ARFID Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: A Guide for Parents and Carers
This is an accessible summary of a relatively recent diagnostic term. People with ARFID may show little interest in eating, eat only a very limited range of foods or may be terrified something might happen to them if they eat, such as choking or being sick. Because it has been poorly recognised and poorly understood it can be difficult to access appropriate help and difficult to know how best to manage at home.
This book covers common questions encountered by parents or carers whose child has been given a diagnosis of ARFID or who have concerns about their child. Written in simple, accessible language and illustrated with examples throughout, this book answers common questions using the most up-to-date clinical knowledge and research.
Primarily written for parents and carers of young people, ARFID Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder includes a wealth of practical tips and suggested strategies to equip parents and carers with the means to take positive steps towards dealing with the problems ARFID presents. It will also be relevant for family members, partners or carers of older individuals, as well as professionals seeking a useful text, which captures the full range of ARFID presentations and sets out positive management advice.
Recommended Reading
Personality Disorders

Daniel S Lobel (2018)
When Your Daughter Has BPD: Essential Skills to Help Families Manage Borderline Personality Disorder
If you have a daughter with borderline personality disorder (BPD), you may feel frustration, shame, and your family may be at the breaking point dealing with angry outbursts, threats, and constant emergencies. You need solid skills you can use now to help your daughter and hold your family together.
In this important guide, you’ll learn real solutions and strategies based in proven-effective DBT and CBT to help you weather the storm of BPD and restore a sense of normalcy and balance in your life. You’ll find an overview of BPD so you can better understand the driving forces behind your daughter’s difficult behaviour. You’ll discover how you can help your daughter get the help she needs while also setting boundaries that foster respect and self-care for you and others in your family. And, most importantly, you’ll learn ‘emergency parenting techniques’ to help you put a stop to abusive patterns and restore peace.
If your daughter has BPD and your family is struggling to make it through each day, this book offers essential skills to help you cope and recover a sense of stability.

Dr. Douglas Riley (1997)
The Defiant Child. A Parents’ Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder
A much-needed tool that parents of children with O.D.D. can use to identify the source of this turmoil and take back parental control. Dr. Douglas Riley teaches parents how to recognise the signs, understand the attitudes, and modify the behaviours of their oppositional child.

Cynthia S Kaplan, Blaise A Aguirre & Michael Rater. (2007). Fair Winds Press.
Helping Your Troubled Teen: Learn to Recognize, Understand, and Address the Destructive Behavior of Today’s Teens
This book offers a comprehensive look at teens’ self-destructive behavior and gives parents solutions for dealing with it. Helping Your Troubled Teen instructs parents on how to identify an at-risk adolescent and discuss warning signs of injurious behavior, before the problems become severe enough that a child is in crisis and/or legal actions are taken against them. Personal anecdotes and testimonials from both parents and their teenagers who have been confronted with and have engaged in self-destructive behavior are also included.
Recommended Reading

Richard Capriola (2020)
The Addicted Child: A Parent’s Guide to Adolescent Substance Abuse
If your child uses alcohol or drugs, you know how it affects your family. These substances enter your child’s brain and change their behaviour. You want to help your child, but where do you begin? The Addicted Child is your roadmap.
Parents can learn from Richard Capriola, a mental health and addictions counselor,
what makes adolescent addiction different. How drugs can change your child’s brain and behaviors. The assessments and tests you should insist upon. And more.

Laurence Westreich (2017)
A Parent’s Guide to Teen Addiction: Professional Advice on Signs, Symptoms, What to Say and How to Help
Teenage addiction has reached epidemic levels. Parents may suspect their teen’s substance use, but often don’t know if their teen is addicted or what to do about it. Dr. Laurence Westreich, an addiction expert and the father of two teenagers, helps parents navigate the fraught addiction landscape in A Parent’s Guide to Teen Addiction.
Divided into three sections, this book guides parents from the moment they suspect their teen has a substance abuse problem to the steps families must take after intensive treatment.
– Lays out the facts of teen addiction and explains how to recognize a problem with a teen
– Details what parents need to know about the substances that teenagers commonly use
– Provides information on what to do about the substance abuse, including how to find good one-on-one addiction therapy, how to encourage a teen to enter an outpatient program or inpatient facility, and how to line up aftercare treatment.
Best of all, it includes ‘tough talk’ dialogues that parents can tailor to their specific situation with their teen. This practical, hopeful and reassuring book helps parents put their teen on the healthy and life-affirming road to recovery.

Edward Lynam & Ellen Bowers (2014)
The Everything Parent’s Guide to Teenage Addiction: A Comprehensive and Supportive Reference to Help Your Child Recover from Addiction
If your teen or preteen is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you need to find the best treatment for your child. With The Everything Parent’s Guide to Teenage Addiction, you’ll learn how to take an active role in helping your child on the road to recovery. With this invaluable resource, you will begin to understand the complex nature and scope of teen addiction, and learn to:
– Recognise warning signs
– Identify symptoms and causes
– Choose appropriate treatment
– Discuss your child’s addiction openly
– Avoid the chance of relapse.
Featuring healthy and attainable recovery solutions for any situation, including alternative recovery therapies, this companion will be your guide as you help your child, rebuild your relationship, and heal the damage caused by addiction.
Recommended Reading
Family Therapy

Maria Ganci
Survive FBT: Skills manual for families undertaking Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for child and adolescent Anorexia Nervosa.
Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is viewed as the gold standard, evidence-based treatment for Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa (AN). However, the treatment is intensive and many parents commence treatment unprepared despite their courage and willingness to take on the task of refeeding their ill child to health. Parents have desperately asked for more information to help them understand anorexia’s grip on their child and to survive the intensity of the treatment.
This skills-based manual clearly explains the treatment and provides invaluable information regarding every component of the treatment. It outlines the obstacles and the anorexic behaviours that impede treatment and recovery. The aim of this manual is to ensure that parents remain one step ahead of Anorexia and ensure that they “hit the ground running”.
This book is a valuable resource for parents commencing Family-Based Therapy and for parents struggling during treatment. This book offers clear practical advice and empowers parents to confront anything the illness throws at them. It is also an invaluable resource for clinicians and will help them guide their families through treatment.
Recommended Reading
High Conflict Divorce

Eia Asen and Emma Morris. (2020). Routledge.
High-Conflict Parenting Post-Separation: The Making and Breaking of Family Ties.
High-Conflict Parenting Post-Separation: The Making and Breaking of Family Ties describes an innovative approach for families where children are caught up in their parents’ acrimonious relationship – before, during and after formal legal proceedings have been initiated and concluded.
This first book in a brand-new series by researchers and clinicians at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families (AFNCCF) outlines a model of therapeutic work that involves children, their parents and the wider family and social network. The aim is to protect children from conflict between their parents and thus enable them to have healthy relationships across both ‘sides’ of their family network.
High-Conflict Parenting Post-Separation is written for professionals who work with high-conflict families – be that psychologists, psychiatrists, child and adult psychotherapists, family therapists, social workers, children’s guardians and legal professionals including solicitors and mediators, as well as students and trainees in all these different disciplines. The book should also be of considerable interest for parents who struggle with post-separation issues that involve their children.

Amanda Ripley. (2021). Simon & Schuster
High Conflict. Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out.
New York Times bestselling author and award-winning journalist Amanda Ripley investigates how good people get captured by high conflict—and how they break free.
People do escape high conflict. Individuals—even entire communities—can short-circuit the feedback loops of outrage and blame, if they want to. This is a mind-opening new way to think about conflict that will transform how we move through the world.
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