Mental Health Treatment in Beautiful Malaysia
Mental Health Treatment
Watching your child struggle with a mental health disorder is never easy. Adolescence is already a time full of change and transition, so adding mental health problems into the mix can make it overwhelming. With physical, social, and emotional changes and so many new experiences to discover, young people often have a difficult time navigating everything smoothly. If a young person is struggling with their mental health, they are not alone. There is a way out, and we are here to help.
We treat a wide range of mental health disorders, including:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Attention deficit disorder (ADHD)
- Self-harm
- Bipolar disorder
- Schizophrenia
At The Wave, we offer a supportive and transformative healing experience that aims to help young people recover from their mental health conditions and go on to lead fulfilling lives. There’s no reason why they can’t go on to achieve their goals and dreams – they just need the right treatment and support. That’s why all our treatment programs are fully personalized, combining a range of medical, clinical, educational, and fun experiences to help set young people up for the future, giving them the skills they need to build the kind of life they want.
We are here to help
The Wave Mental Health Treatment Admissions Team can be contacted on:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Wave Clinic: Specialists in Mental Health Treatment
+60 327 271 799 (General Enquiries)
+60 125 227 734 (Admissions)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Wave International Group LLC
+971 438 354 01
Anxiety is a normal human response to stress, worry, and fear. It’s natural for a young person to feel anxious about certain things – before an exam, for example, or because of a stressful situation.
However, if a young person experiences anxiety that persists after an event or constantly feels anxious, it can significantly impact their everyday life. It can stop them from engaging in activities or prevent them from enjoying themselves.
Whilst anxiety is common amongst young people, treatments for anxiety disorders are available to help those struggling feel better.
At The Wave, we offer a variety of evidence-based treatment approaches for anxiety, including:
- One-to-one therapy
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Medication
- Activity-based therapy, including creative art therapy
- Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness
Though therapy is beneficial in treating anxiety, we also provide a holistic healing experience at The Wave to help young people grow in confidence and gain the skills they need to excel in life. We believe in learning by doing, offering art, music, drama, and other experiential therapies.
Many of our programmes include team-building exercises, helping young people gain confidence in their social skills and develop long-lasting friendships.
Everyone feels down sometimes. After all, experiencing negative emotions is part of being human. However, if a young person feels down for longer than two weeks or experiences very intense feelings, they may have depression.
Though it’s often thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, the reality is that depression can develop after a difficult event or without a clear reason. If a young person is feeling down, it is important that they understand these feelings won’t last forever. There is help and support available to treat depression so they can feel like themselves again.
At The Wave, we know that no two cases of depression are the same, so all treatment programmes are personalized to suit each person’s specific needs and goals. Our holistic programmes combine evidence-based therapies with life skill development and self-care techniques. We make the most of the incredible natural scenery around our centre to offer enriching experiences that heal and inspire.
Our programmes for depression include:
- One-to-one therapy, including cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)
- Group therapy
- Experiential therapies
- Yoga and meditation
- Medication
- Exercise, nutrition, and structure
- Life skills development
Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD is a condition that can give a young person a lot of energy, make it difficult for them to concentrate at school or work, or control their behaviour. Usually developing around the age of six, ADHD can have a significant impact on their time at school and their ability to form new relationships.
At The Wave, our expert team supports each young person with therapy, medication, and holistic treatment approaches to help them manage symptoms and thrive in all areas of life. Our team specialise in young people’s mental wellness, ensuring that everyone has an individualised treatment plan to suit their needs.
We don’t just focus on symptom reduction but also on personal growth and life skill development. We provide medication and equip young people with coping mechanisms to help them focus on work and school whilst supporting them to follow their dreams for the future. Alongside clinical treatment, our young people will also have access to higher education opportunities, barista courses, and other vocational courses like jewellery making and gardening – there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
Schizophrenia is one of the most common mental health conditions experienced by young people, and it often leaves them feeling confused, down, and isolated. It can also cause them to experience a reality that is different from other people’s, believe or remember things that other people see as untrue, and see or hear voices when other people do not.
Though a severe condition, schizophrenia is treatable, and many different kinds of support are available. At The Wave, we offer extensive treatment for young people living with schizophrenia and have cultivated a calm, safe, and nourishing environment to help them feel secure throughout their recovery journey.
Our specialist team offers medication, therapy, and holistic healing experiences to provide comprehensive and compassionate support for every young person. Our programmes also include:
- Medications to manage hallucinations and other forms of psychosis
- One-to-one therapy including CBT to help cope with distressing situations and avoid triggers
- Family therapy
- Group therapy
- Experiential therapy
- Life skills development
Self-harm occurs when someone deliberately harms themself to relieve feelings of emotional distress. It doesn’t always involve physical injury – some people harm themselves through destructive behaviours like using drugs or not eating.
In the majority of cases, young people self-harm to release negative thoughts and emotions, as well as to give them a sense of control over a difficult situation. This could be anything from a divorce or moving schools to abuse or grieving the death of a loved one.
Common amongst young people, self-harm is not something to be ashamed of. The most important thing is to talk about it. There is plenty of support available to help young people manage difficult thoughts and emotions in other ways.
At The Wave, we offer a deeply transformative experience tailored to each young person’s unique needs. Our expert team of medics and mental health specialists ensure our young people are safe at all times, providing exceptional clinical and therapeutic care. We support young people in developing healthy coping mechanisms for emotional distress and address any underlying causes of painful thoughts and feelings, guiding them throughout the entire process.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a depressive disorder that leaves young people experiencing high and low moods that last from a few days to several weeks. Young people with bipolar experience mood changes that impact their daily lives and are much more severe than teenagers typically experience.
Symptoms of bipolar usually appear between the ages of 15 and 19. Manic – or hypomanic – episodes may involve racing thoughts, energy, increased self-confidence, and sometimes psychosis. Depressive episodes are characterised by feelings of despair, hopelessness, and low mood.
Bipolar can be difficult and scary for a young person and their family. The good news is that there is help and support available. With effective treatment and compassionate care, young people can manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives.
At The Wave, we offer personalised, expert treatment for young people that often includes:
- One-to-one therapy
- Medication
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Indoor and outdoor experiential therapies, including gardening, cooking, and creative arts
- Life skills development
- Mind-body healing techniques
Frequently asked questions
Mental Health FAQ's
Mental health simply means your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. When your mental health is in good shape, you may feel anxious, sad, or depressed from time to time. These are normal human emotions. However, any kind of negative feeling or thought that lasts longer than a week should be checked out by a physiatrist
Some disorders stem from a traumatic event, and these can be difficult to prevent. Some can also be inherited, increasing your risk of developing a mental health condition. Despite this, there are a few things you can do to improve your overall mental health including:
- Regular exercise
- Healthy and balanced diet
- Proper sleep (at least eight hours a night)
- Practicing meditation and mindfulness
- Asking for help when you need it
- Keeping in touch with friends and maintaining a social life
- Taking a break or rest when you feel troubled or anxious
- Talking to someone about your feelings
If you’re having persistently negative feelings or thoughts that are distracting you from work and your ability to function, it’s important that you seek help.

It opens my eyes and gives me a new knowledge and experience to be a better person.

Professional associations and memberships

We are here to help
Have any questions or want to get started with the admissions process? Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Almas Tower, JLT